Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 28: Where's the Wall?

The wall is gone. It has not been fast or easy, but it is removed and will be replaced by a new much stronger wall.

The north wall looking east to west
This is what it look like now. The stone base is laid. Ready to have the footings formed and poured next week. Notice how the sill along the top is all snapped into place, even the two new timbers are now bearing their share of the weight of the barn. As part of the process the forms will be put in place to cover these posts and the cement will be poured.

North wall looking west to east
The first thing you notice is there is still some wall standing. The north wall will end somewhere about where the second red jack is. There will be a sliding door between the jacks and the corner that is standing will be removed when the west wall is replaced.

The 'forest' helping to hold the barn
As mentioned before posts and jacks are need to lift the barn and its parts into or hold them in place while the fixing is happening. It is quite a forest under there.

Christmas Cactus
Wanda raised Christmas Castus. Because the blog has been a lot of gray and other colors that tend to be a little dull, I thought is might brighten the day.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely colors in that Christmas cactus! Thank you for posting the photo, since I'm in AZ at Graywood West.

    For those of you wondering, this cactus was in filtered light this summer and watered 1-2 times a week. It stayed green and full and set buds late in the summer. I brought it into the sunroom in late September and put it on the floor.

    The floor has radiant heat, set about 55 degrees. The room faces east and is all windows. The cactus went to town!
