Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 45: Posting continues

Roger and I tried yesterday to talk about where posts will be needed to support the barn. Given the horizontal timbers that are left in the structure in great part dicates where vertical timbers need to be placed to support the barn. Roger was going get some orange paint and mark the floor. I got there before he could get the paint, so he and I walked around discussing the issue. For me right now, there are too many temporary posts in the way to really get a good sense of where they might go. The problem and possibility in deciding is that it's important to get the placement as correct as possible to allow as much room as possible to allow for use of and movement in the barn. Some of the additional support posts that have been used can be seen in such posts as Day 28 and Day 44 amoung others.

East wall of the barn
From time to time we've discussed the barn repairs with people in the community and invited them to stop by and see. Well, Ken Licht stopped by yesterday to look at the project. I was telling him about the long timber mentioned in Day 35. When he walked upstairs and looked to the east, he said look at how long that timber is. Notice the timber in the background, it is approximately 45 feet long and about the same square, 10 1/2 by 10 1/2, as the timber downstairs. This timber had to come from a much larger tree.

If you look to the far lower right of the photo you see what might look like part a door. That is what you see in the photo below.

Door leading to stairs
 The walls and ceiling over the stairs allowed the mow to be filled with hay or straw. The door at one time kept the wind from blowing down the stairs. This will get torn apart so the new floor can be put in place. We are looking at making a tack room type of place in this corner downstairs. The question becomes what do we want downstairs and how do we put the stairs back in place.

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